Friday, April 24, 2015


  1. Describe the Elizabethan perception of witches and the influence on Mankind seen in Macbeth .
  2. Explain the roles of the power of suggestion and the power of prophecy as seen in Macbeth as well as
    in contemporary society. 


  1. 1. During the Elizabethan era, witches were obvious target when accident and bad events happen such as the outbreak of plague and the burning of the house. Women were those most often accused of being witches. In Macbeth, witches influence Macbeth a lot. They give Macbeth a false sense of security with their apparitions of truths. They declares that Macbeth will be the king one day.
    2. Macbeth was swayed by the power of suggestion. he excessively believed that witches predicted about him. Macbeth was easily captured by their power and by their prophecies.

  2. Matthew Bugarin

    1. If something bad were to happen, like a simple accident or a fire, there will almost always be a 'witch' involved with the incident. In truth witches did not exist, but people believed that they were around. In the story Macbeth, witches are the main cause of influence. They influence Macbeth to do everything that he does.
    2. Macbeth was an easy target of persuasion. Because of this, he believed everything the witches told him and became so captivated by the prophecies.

  3. 1.They give Macbeth a false sense of security with their apparitions of truths. They declares that Macbeth will be the king one day.
    2.He believed everything the witches told him and became so captivated by the prophecies.

  4. Eric Yun
    1. Witches always join next with the bad situation and accidents in theirs mind even witches actually never exist.
    2. Macbeth always surrender under suggestion. He always belief what witches say even there are something which is really ridiculous

  5. 1. The witches made it seem like something bad was going to happen like a terrible accident or incident.
    2. He believed everything the witches had told him. He is so gullible to believe something from things that don't exist.

  6. 1. During this era witches were seen as evil brings and brought about dark magic, thus they where targets by the kingdom.
    2. Macbeth is very easy to trick, he will believe what he is told if he likes what is being said.

  7. 1. During this time period, they were seen as creators of bad events or evil. They were targeted by the people of their time, and were blamed for many events.
    2. Macbeth was easy to persuade and believed everything the witches told him.

  8. 1. Witches were blamed for any bad thing that happened from plauge to robbery. They were hnted down for this and manny women were falsly blamed for being witches.
    2. Macbeth was easily presuaded becasue the witches succesfully predicted is future and he wanted the power

  9. 1.) during the Elizabethan era witches were seen as worshipers of the devil and were considered deadly and mind- controlling.
    2.)Macbeth being the dummy he was believed every thing that the witches predicted about his actions and futures.

  10. 1. Because the witch is considered to be a part of the dark, so when bad things happened, people will thinking that was witches did that, even the witches didn't exist.
    2. Macbeth is very easy to believe the witches, he thinks the witches can predict the future, so be deceived.

  11. 1. witches are seen as women, possibly old and gross, who use magic to see the future or put curses on people.
    2. MacBeth is easily swayed by the power of suggestion of the witches, since he believed e witches could actually see the future.

  12. WItches in Macbeth are freaking awesome. They can see into the future.
    Macbeth needs to grow a pair and think for himself. Witches say to do something, he goes along. Wife says to kill someone, he just goes along. Like for real.

  13. 1. witches predicted that he would kill the king, seeking the right to usurp the throne. 2. This story tells us that a person can not be too greedy truth

  14. 1. The witches have some sort of magic and are able to predict the future.
    2. Macbeth believes the witches and so he tries to make the things they predict happen and doesn't let them just play out by themselves

  15. 1. The three witches represent the supernatural element in the play Macbeth.They are truly evil , and their role in the play is mainly to lure Macbeth into sin , tempt him into kiling King Duncan and many others.
    2. During the play, the Macbeth witches make five key predictions:
    Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor
    Banquo’s children will become kings
    They advise Macbeth to “beware Macduff”
    Macbeth cannot be harmed by anyone “of woman born”
    Macbeth cannot be beaten until “Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane shall come”

  16. 1. During this time period, they were seen as creators of bad events or evil. They were targeted by the people of their time, and were blamed for many events.
    2. Macbeth was easy to persuade and believed everything the witches told him.
